extramural courses - tradução para alemão
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extramural courses - tradução para alemão

List of Tillinghast Courses; List of Tillinghast courses

extramural courses      
Kurse außerhalb oder zusätzlich dem allgemeinen Lehrplan an einer Universität College oder andere Erziehungsanstalt unterrichtet
obstacle course         
  • At the [[Combat Training Center at Arta Beach]]
  • Leaders Reaction Course September 25, at [[Fort Hood, Texas]].
  • Obstacle-course training at the [[Royal Military College of Canada]] c. 1917
  • [[Fort Pickett, Virginia]] "stairs" obstacle
  • The annual obstacle course race at [[Royal Military College of Canada]] is memorialized by a sculpture by [[John Boxtel]], ''To Overcome'', which was a gift from the 1991 graduating class
Obstacle Course; Obstacle courses
Hindernispacour; Weg voller Hindernisse
correspondence school         
  • [[William Rainey Harper]] encouraged the development of external university courses at the new University of Chicago in the 1890s.
  • ''The London University'' in 1827, drawn by [[Thomas Hosmer Shepherd]]
  • Walton Hall]], renovated in 1970 to act as the headquarters of the newly established [[Open University]] (artist: Hilary French)
Correspondence school; Distance learning; Online education; Distance Learning; Correspondence course; Online Master's Program; Internet learning; Distance Education; Correspondence education; Correspondence Education; Online college; Correspondence courses; Distance-learning; Distance university; Distance Learning Education and Degrees; Online learning university; Online College Courses; Open and Distance Learning; Open and distance learning; Virtual classroom; Online colleges; Teleteaching; Remote learning; Online universities; Tuition outsourcing; Distance course; Open and distance education; Virtual classrooms; Home study course; Online distant learning; Online class; Distance classroom; Distant education; Correspondence learning; Generations of Distance Education: Technologies, Pedagogies, and Organizations; Distance e-Learning (Philippines); Distance Classroom; Virtual college; Mail-order course; Mail order course; Extramural education; Correspondence class; Correspondence classes; History of distance education; Criticism of distance education


·vt To run through or over.
II. Course ·noun The Menses.
III. Course ·noun The ground or path traversed; track; way.
IV. Course ·noun The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage.
V. Course ·noun The succession of one to another in office or duty; order; turn.
VI. Course ·noun That part of a meal served at one time, with its accompaniments.
VII. Course ·noun Method of procedure; manner or way of conducting; conduct; behavior.
VIII. Course ·vt To cause to chase after or pursue game; as, to course greyhounds after deer.
IX. Course ·vt To run, hunt, or chase after; to follow hard upon; to Pursue.
X. Course ·noun Customary or established sequence of events; recurrence of events according to natural laws.
XI. Course ·noun The lowest sail on any mast of a square-rigged vessel; as, the fore course, main course, ·etc.
XII. Course ·vi To move with speed; to Race; as, the blood courses through the veins.
XIII. Course ·noun Motion, considered as to its general or resultant direction or to its goal; line progress or advance.
XIV. Course ·noun A continuous level range of brick or stones of the same height throughout the face or faces of a building.
XV. Course ·vi To run as in a race, or in hunting; to pursue the sport of coursing; as, the sportsmen coursed over the flats of Lancashire.
XVI. Course ·noun A series of motions or acts arranged in order; a succession of acts or practices connectedly followed; as, a course of medicine; a course of lectures on chemistry.
XVII. Course ·noun Motion considered with reference to manner; or derly progress; procedure in a certain line of thought or action; as, the course of an Argument.
XVIII. Course ·noun Progress from point to point without change of direction; any part of a progress from one place to another, which is in a straight line, or on one direction; as, a ship in a long voyage makes many courses; a course measured by a surveyor between two stations; also, a progress without interruption or rest; a heat; as, one course of a race.


List of golf courses designed by A. W. Tillinghast

This is a list of golf courses for the design of which American golf course architect A. W. Tillinghast was at least in part responsible.

  • OD denotes courses for which Tillinghast is the original designer
  • R denotes courses reconstructed by Tillinghast
  • A denotes courses for which Tillinghast made substantial additions
  • E denotes courses that Tillinghast examined and on the construction of which he consulted